Friday, August 24, 2007

One more week!

Today was my last day in my apartment on Capitol Hill. I actually move out tomorrow morning to spend my last week here sleeping on friends' couches, but this was the last full day. This morning, I realized I hadn't been inside the Supreme Court yet (they're not in session now, which is very sad for me). So, I stopped by on the way to the subway station. I must say, as happy as I am to go back to Oregon, I'm going to miss saying, "I stopped by the Supreme Court this morning." Anyway, I didn't have a lot of time to look around or take a tour or anything, but I had my happy nerdy moment and will have to prioritize hanging out there (and going to hear oral arguments) the next time I come here. Here are some pictures from my crappy cell phone camera (two things to note here: 1) I really need a new digital camera and 2) my birthday is Sept. 24.):

The actual courtroom.

A statue of Chief Justice John Marshall

One of two spiral staircases. As I didn't have time to figure out what everything is, I'm not sure what the big deal here is, but there were signs pointing to them so I took a picture (you couldn't go up the stairs or get any closer than where I stood to take this photo, hence you can't really see the stairs.

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