Sunday, October 21, 2007


Well, it's been a while since I had anything to say, hasn't it? I've been somewhat busy, although not as busy as I should be given everything that I should be doing and am avoiding.

While there are plenty of stories in the news I'd normally attack, I haven't had the time or energy to do a lot of research. I'm in the process of starting to work on my terminal project for grad school. It's a series of articles about No Child Left Behind and the different "subgroups" of kids who are affected by it. I'm very interested in the affect of standardized testing (in English) of kids who are learning English as their second language. I also want to look at the logic behind forcing kids who are in special ed for math and reading to take the grade-level test. It's just ludicrous. They say that by 2014 all kids will be at grade level in those subjects, but it's completely unrealistic. There will always be kids who for whatever reason are able to remain in a regular classroom but are behind in math and reading. Not every brain works the same. Anyway, that'll be my life for the next few months, once I get started.

For now, I'm doing my best to enjoy every last minute of being a student because once I get this degree, that's it. I have to be an adult and work a real job with a real salary. I may even have health insurance and be able to buy a new car. It's exciting and scary. I feel like I'm ready for that now, though, and I certainly wasn't at age 23 when I got my BA. Even if I had finished my undergraduate work with enough experience to get hired in the field, I wouldn't have been ready to be a real grownup. And I'm OK with that. I mean, I never would have gotten that internship in Washington, D.C. if I'd been off working right away instead of coming back to school.

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